/ Undifined / Another Harvard Law Graduate Nominated By Obama To The Supreme Court

Another Harvard Law Graduate Nominated By Obama To The Supreme Court

Judge Merrick Garland
Unless you graduated from Harvard or Yale, you may as well dismiss any chances you have of being nominated to the Supreme Court. President Barack Obama turned to his alma mater once again for his choice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, who died under suspicious circumstances last month at a ranch owned by a large Democratic donor with ties to the Obama White House. Obama's choice to replace Scalia is Merrick Garland, a 63-year old reliable Democratic partisan and alum of the very corrupt Clinton Justice Department. Garland would become the sixth member of the current Supreme Court who attended Harvard (the other three are from Yale), and he would become the fourth Jewish member of the 9-member court. The other five justices are all Catholic.

Garland, who was nominated by President Bill Clinton to the D.C. Court of Appeals in 1997, is a Chicago native. He attended Niles West High School in Skokie and is the son of an advertising executive, Cyril Garland. Garland clerked for the late Justice William Brennan, one of the court's more liberal justices in recent memory, after graduating with high honors from Harvard Law School. He briefly worked in the Carter Justice Department before he joined Arnold & Porter, an international law firm based in Washington.

Garland worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in D.C. after Clinton came to power before joining the Justice Department where he worked under the highly-partisan and corrupt Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick. Garland was assigned to work on several high-profile cases, including the supervision of the Oklahoma City bombing case where federal prosecutors lied to the American people about the true circumstances of that bombing. Contrary to government assertions, Timothy McVeigh remained in an undisclosed role working for the U.S. military after he was supposedly discharged from the Army. Federal prosecutors covered up the role played by Timothy McVeigh's handlers in the bombing and confiscated and withheld surveillance video that would have proven there was an explosion that occurred from within the federal building, not just the truck bomb driven by McVeigh.

Judge Garland's very liberal judicial philosophy ensures that the Second Amendment will be written out of the Constitution if his nomination is confirmed. He disagreed with an opinion issued by a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals striking down the District of Columbia's handgun ban, a decision which ultimately was decided in the landmark Heller decision that affirmed the Second Amendment right of people to bear arms in a 5-4 decision. Judge Garland wanted to rehear the panel's decision before it went to the Supreme Court, indicating his belief the panel had ruled incorrectly. His confirmation would give liberals the clear majority on the court they seek to radically re-write the Constitution.

BTW--Does anyone else think that Garland is a Bob Woodward doppelganger? Woodward is also an Illinois native who was born in Geneva, Illinois, a western Chicago suburb. Woodward's father was an Illinois appeals court judge.
[Image: BobWoodward.jpg]
Bob Woodward

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