/ Undifined / 60 Minutes Goes Truther On 9/11

60 Minutes Goes Truther On 9/11

At the risk of being dubbed a conspiracy theory nut, former Florida Sen. Bob Graham (D), who chaired the Senate's inquiry into 9/11, has complained for several years now about 28 pages of information redacted from the 9/11 Commission Report, which show deep ties between the 19 terrorists accused of hijacking airliners and flying them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the Saudi government. Last night, "60 Minutes" devoted a segment to the 28 redacted pages in the 9/11 report. Several 9/11 Commission members echoed Graham's call for the release of the information, including former Navy Secretary John Lehman, former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) and former U.S. Rep. Tim Roemer (D-IN). A fellow Hoosier who served with Roemer on the 9/11 Commission, former U.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN), is not among those calling for the release of the redacted information. He now works as an adviser to the CIA.  Saudi Arabia has long been viewed as a close ally of the U.S. Its ruling family, the House of Saad, haa been accused of being nothing more than puppet of the CIA. It would have been much more difficult for the government to defend against claims that 9/11 was an inside job if the American public knew our government's chief proxy in the Middle East was behind the 19 hijackers blamed for carrying out the terrorist attacks.

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