Now let's hear the rest of the story. I told you straight up yesterday following President Obama's announcement of his appointment that Garland was a partisan Democratic attorney, and it's a fact. One need only review the questionnaire Garland completed when he was nominated by President Bill Clinton for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to learn of his past participation in Democratic campaigns, something the much-criticized Justice Scalia had never done before he joined the D.C. Court of Appeals and later won confirmation as a member of the U.S. Supreme Court following the rejection by the Senate of President Reagan's first choice, Robert Bork, also a Court of Appeals jurist.
"I provided volunteer assistance on a Presidential Debate for President Clinton in October 1992 and for Michael Dukakis in October 1988," Garland wrote in response to a question on his previous political involvement. "I did some volunteer work for Walter Mondale�s presidential campaign in 1983-84. As a college student, I worked two summers for the campaign of my then-congressman, Abner Mikva, in 1972 and 1974." Perhaps you can attribute Garland's campaign work for Abner Mikva, one of the most liberal members of Congress ever elected from the state of Illinois to a youthful indiscretion but most likely not. Birds of a feather generally flock together.
Despite being a partisan hack politician, Mikva got appointed to the federal bench and once boasted that he tried to hire Clinton as a law clerk. Mikva, of course, later served as a White House counsel for President Clinton, playing clean-up after Vince Foster supposedly blew his brains out in Fort Marcy Park. That bombing in Oklahoma City that Garland headed up occurred during Mikva's service as Clinton's White House counsel, a terrorist event Clinton gladly exploited as being caused by right-wing extremists egged on by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. Mikva may not have snagged Clinton as a law clerk, but he did snag another Obama appointee, Elena Kagan, as one of his law clerks. Mikva left the Clinton White House about the time Clinton began using Monica Lewinsky as a humidor for his cigars.
Garland's work for the presidential campaigns of Clinton, Dukakis and Mondale all occurred long after he graduated from Harvard Law School and began his professional career as an attorney. These high-paid attorneys at Washington, D.C. never really volunteer their services; there's always a quid pro quo in there somewhere for their law firm and their law firm's high-rolling clients. That work he did on the Mondale campaign specifically involved all of the financial discrepancies that arose with Mondale's running mate, Geraldine Ferraro, and her mob-connected husband. People who've been around for awhile remember how much the Wall Street Journal took Ferraro to task for her and her husband's tangled financial affairs that included New York businesses where the mob produced pornographic movies.
Garland was rewarded early on with a job in the Carter Justice Department. When Bill Clinton became president, he was hired as a federal prosecutor in the D.C. district court before Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick a partisan Democratic hack, hired him away to work at the Justice Department reporting to her. He was dispatched to Oklahoma City immediately following the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City to lead up the prosecution of the bombers. As the lead prosecutor, we hold Garland personally responsible for the cover up by the federal government of other co-conspirators in the bombing. The misplacement of all of those surveillance video images by Garland's investigation team that captured Timothy McVeigh's co-conspirators was more than any concerned American can accept as an honest mistake. Thanks to Garland and his corrupt cohorts at the Justice Department, the American people never learned who was really behind the Oklahoma City bombing.
UPDATE: Oklahoma City, like Indianapolis, is plagued by a daily newspaper run out of Langley, Virginia. The local Gannett newspaper there is chastising the state's two Republican senators for failing to signal their support for Garland despite his strong connection to the city. Perhaps ordinary Oklahomans are all too familiar with how Garland's team of prosecutors covered up the role of others in the bombing by disappearing the surveillance videos other local, credible Oklahoma City reporters reported on at length at the time based on credible law enforcement officials who had seen what was on the videos and knew they proved others besides McVeigh were involved in detonating bombs that brought down about half of the federal building.
And the Gannett-owned Arizona Republic is now going after Sen. John McCain for not supporting confirmation of Garland. The newspaper has served him with notice his position will become the central issue of his re-election campaign this year.
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